Current key messages

  • Stay home and get tested if you have symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) no matter how mild. Go straight home after your test and self-isolate while you wait for the results. You must not go out until you get your results. Go to the DHHS testing map for locations.
  • You must wear a face covering in Victoria whenever you leave your home, unless an exception applies. A face covering needs to cover both your nose and mouth.
  • Everyone in Victoria must stay safe by maintaining good hygiene, keeping your distance from others and if you feel unwell stay home. The only reason to leave home during these times is for work, medical care and caregiving. Visit the DHHS website for more information on restrictions levels.
  • Notification is required for all confirmed cases by calling 1300 651 160, immediately, 24 hours a day. Notification of suspected cases is no longer required.

Stay Safe, stay Home During the COVID 19 Pandemic - We can do this, together!

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